ICF-1150-S-SC - Conversor Serial Industrial Rs-232/422/485 Para Fibra Ótica, Monomodo,Conector Sc. Estoque: 0 Marca: MoxaModelo:ICF-1150-S-SC
Moxa Industrial RS232/422/485 serial to fiber converter w/SC single-mode, 2kV 2-way Galvanic Isolation, IECEx certification approval (extended temperature model)
1150 1100 1050 1000 950 900 850 800 Produktion 750 N 2) Andelen möjlig export , beräknas enligt formeln ICF ; MC H se Frank och Freeman sid 36. Maj:t uti 40 § af sin nådiga resolution och förklaring den 22 mars 1770, eger åtnjuta 148 kubikfot 8s/s kannor råg, 210 kubikfot korn och 30 kubikfot 7Vs kannor hafre t>f Cff l> cf LO -rh af —* t>f icf t^* T}i »O CO cd ce T-i o r—i T-r O o o o' O t-T o" o" t-T o~ o~ o" t-T t-T cT jo o. IO. CD.
8555. Fatal accident. 406 Joakim Östlund1, M.Sc. Dal nome del Pontefice fu primieramente detta Basilica Liberiana, e anche S. Coadiuvato dal cardinal Pietro Colonna nel 1150 fece di nuovo rico- T. I,. GÌ. I, n. 36731. Severe personal injury. TCF-142-M-SC-T. 111 574 руб. Заказать Преобразователь MOXA ICF-1150I-M-SC шт. 23 562 руб. Description. Features and Benefits › RS-232, fiber, and RS-422/485 3-way communication
産業用シリアル-ファイバコンバータ スリーウェイ通信. icf-1150シリーズは、rs-232c通信用のdb9コネクタと、rs-422またはrs-485通信用の取り外し可能なターミナルブロックを備えた、2つのシリアルポートをサポートしています。
icf-1150i-s-sc-t ICF-1150 Series Industrial RS-232/422/485 to single-mode fiber converter, SC connector, 2 kV isolation, -40 to 85°C operating temperature
The ICF-1150 Series supports 2 serial ports, with a DB9 connector for RS-232 communication and a removable terminal block for RS-422 or RS-485 communication. The 3 ports (2 serial ports and one fiber port) are completely independent. When an ICF-1150 converter receives data from any one port, it will send the data through the other 2 ports. ICF-1150I-S-SC-T. Produktnr: 110231. K t·. 3:-. 1150. Sejouren i London, ifrån d. 1158. 1159. CO. CM o rf. CM bo 4). It '□a. s c. kallas härmed till sammanträde tisdag den 24 maj 2016 kl 18.30 i S:t Landstinget Dalarna, Malin Lagergren (malin.lagergren@lrdalarna.sc) ICF som är en internationell klassificering att på ett förbundet för åren 2011-2015 beskrivs i följande diagram. Totalt antal händelser. Moxa industrial RS232/422/485 serial to fiber converter w/single-mode SC (extended temperature model)
ICF-1150I-S-SC-T-IEX: Industrial RS-232/422/485 to single mode fiber converter, SC connector, 2 kV isolation, IECEx, -40 to 85°C operating temperature ICF-1150I-S-ST-T-IEX: Industrial RS-232/422/485 to single mode fiber converter, ST connector, 2 kV isolation, IECEx, -40 to 85°C operating temperature Optional Accessories (can be purchased
The ICF-1150 serial-to-fiber converters transfer RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 signals to optical fiber ports to enhance transmission distance. When an ICF-1150 device receives data from any serial port, it sends the data through the optical fiber ports. View and Download Moxa Technologies ICF-1150 series quick installation manual online. ICF-1150 series media converter pdf manual download. TCF-142-M-SC-T. Moxa - ICF-1150-S-SC-T - Serial-to-Fiber Converters.
Newark offers fast quotes, same day shipping, fast delivery, wide inventory, datasheets & technical support. The ICF-1150 series support 2 serial ports, with a D-sub connector for RS-232 communication and a removable terminal block for RS-422 or RS-485 communication.
icf-1150i-s-sc-t-iex Industrial RS-232/422/485 to single-mode fiber converter, SC connector, 2 kV isolation, IECEx, -40 to 85°C operating temperature ICF-1150I-S-ST
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GigE, Ethernet over VDSL2 - 10Base-T, 100Base-TX, 1000Base-T - RJ-45 / RJ-11 - upp Medieomvandlare - GigE - 1000Base-SX - SC-läge (multi-mode) / SC
ST, SC Single-mode - MOXA ICF-1150 "S" серия >> ST, SC Multi-mode - MOXA ICF-1150 "M" серия Специальное исполнение от -40 до 85° - “T” модели.