ISO-3166 Alpha-2. MT is the two-letter country abbreviation for Malta.


Lista państw, które mają przypisane kody ISO 3166-1. polska nazwa, angielska nazwa, kod alfa-2, kod alfa-3, kod numeryczny, kody ISO 3166-2. Afganistan, Afghanistan, AF Malta, Malta, MT, MLT, 470, ISO 3166-2:MT. Mariany Północne  

Maltés. malta dili. azerbajdzjanska. Malta dili. Landsinformation, ibland även kallad Landsinfo. Här hittar du information om vad som gäller när du skickar brev och paket till andra länder.

Malta kod iso

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MAURİTİUS, 373  This list is updated whenever a change to the official code list in ISO 3166-1 is effected by the ISO 3166/MA. It lists 249 official short Country Names (in English), Country Names (in French), ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code MALTA, MALT 18 Jun 2019 MALTA, Euro, EUR, 978. MARSHALL ISLANDS (THE), US Dollar, USD, 840. MARTINIQUE, Euro, EUR, 978. MAURITANIA, Ouguiya, MRU  21 Dec 2017 Codes arranged alphabetically by alpha-3/ISO 639-2 Code. Note: ISO ISO 639 -1 is the alpha-2 code.

I FILNAMNET: Land ISO Kod +. (om flera språk används) ISO-språkkod. EXEMPEL: SPRÅKVERSIONER FÖR MALTA.

ISO-kod Produktgrupp Förskrivningsbar Information 04 Hjälpmedel för personlig medicinsk behandling 0419 Hjälpmedel för att handha medicin 041904 Hjälpmedel för uppmätning och dosering av medicin Ja 041924 Infusionspumpar Ja Infusions-/droppställning Flexiwise bas 0427 Stimulatorer 042718 Hjälpmedel för stimulering av sinnen och

AD, AND, 020, Andorra MT, MLT, 470, Malta · ISO 3166-2:MT. MU, MUS, 480, Mauritius  De flesta av oss vet att den internationella koden i Ryssland är +7, och för att få ett nummer i Landet, Latineta, ISO-kod, Landets kod, Längdrum Malta, Malta. Ken ej kombineras med andra rabatter eller koder ! ULTRA-PURE WHEY ISOLATE PROTEIN Cinnamon Cereal + Fruit Loops What to expect: · AMAZING  1 ISO 3166 landskoder: AT = Österrike, BE = Belgien, BG = Bulgarien, CY LU = Luxemburg, LV = Lettland, MT = Malta, NL = Nederländerna, PL = Polen,  uppgift om eller ISO-kod för landet där den första ansökan lämnades in; ingivandedatumet för den första ansökan; ansökningsnumret.

Landskoder (Enligt ISO 3166-1 alpha 2) Malta. MT. Marocko. MA. Marshallöarna. MH. Martinique. MQ. Mauretanien. MR. Mauritius. MU. Mayotte. YT. Mexico.

Malta kod iso

Marshallovy ostrovy Republika Malta, Kesatuan Eropah: Dikawal selia oleh: Il-Kunsill Nazzjonali ta' l-Ilsien Malti (): Kod bahasa; ISO 639-1: ISO 639-2: Templat:ISO 639-2: ISO 639-3: mlt ISO 3166 kód 2 betűs ISO 3166 kód 3 betűs ISO 3166 kód szám NOB-kód FIFA-kód Autójelzés Telefon-hívószám Státusz Afganisztán: AF AFG: 4: AFB: AFG: 93 ENSZ-tag Albánia: AL ALB: 8: ALB: AL: 355 ENSZ-tag Algéria: DZ DZA: 12: ALG: DZ: 213 ENSZ-tag Andorra: AD AND: 20: AND: 376 ENSZ-tag Angola: AO AGO: 24: ANG: ANG: 244 ENSZ-tag Various types of ISO Standards are available such as ISO 3166-1, ISO 3166-2, ISO 3166-3. ISO 3166-1 is divided into 3 sets of country codes: ISO 3166-1 alpha2, ISO 3166-2 alpha3, ISO 3166-3 numeric. Unique ISO Codes are assigned to the Countries and according to the ISO 3166/MA Codes are assigned on the basis of the native names of the country ISO-3166 Alpha-3. MLT is the three-letter country abbreviation for Malta. This is a complete list of all country ISO codes as described in the ISO 3166 international standard. These codes are used throughout the IT industry by computer systems and software to ease the identification of country names. iso 3166 codes (countries) mv mdv 462 mali ml mli 466 malta mt mlt 470 marshall islands mh mhl 584 martinique mq mtq 474 mauritania mr mrt 478 mauritius mu mus ISO 9001 is important because it give business leaders a standard on which to base the design of the management system to implement within their companies.

Malta kod iso

+356. LANDSKOD. MT. 2 bokst.
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Malta kod iso

Additionally, there are outlets that offer the summaries and explanations of ISO Certification Services in Mdina updates to help individuals and businesses understand them. The Malta facility has shipped more than 70 million identity documents since it was established in 2009. The ISO 9001 certification attests to the quality and safety of the site’s processes and products, while the ISO 14001 certification confirms that it meets certain legislative requirements and is working to prevent pollution and minimize its environmental footprint. » ISO. Featured Jobs Content Writers and Translators (Any Language) Spotlancer Freelance Anywhere. 25 Apr 2017 .

Den första delen ger landskoden enligt ISO 3166-1 (för Malta MT ), den andra koden för distrikten. Den aktuella landskoden uppdaterades  Land, Landskod (ISO-kod), Motorfordon, Flyg.
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MT 470 Malta Maltská republika REPUBLIC OF MALTA MA 504 Maroko Marocké království KINGDOM OF MOROCCO MH 584

Andorra. AD. Belgien. BE. Bulgarien. BG Malta. MT. Nederländerna. NL. Norge. NO. Polen.

The ISO designates each country and most dependent areas, a two digit letter combination (ISO alpha-2), three digital letter combination (ISO alpha-3) and a numerical country code (UN M49

It specializes in SPARKASSE BANK MALTA PLC, SLIEMA - SWIFT Code Information; SWIFT Code / BIC: SBMT MT MT Copy Send via Email: Money Transfer: Save on international fees by using Wise, which is 5x cheaper than banks.: Receive Money: Get paid at the real exchange rate by using Wise (formerly TransferWise).: Bank / … ISO 9001 Malta.

As the organization that sets the standards, they would be the best source. Additionally, there are outlets that offer the summaries and explanations of ISO Certification Services in Mdina updates to help individuals and businesses understand them. The Malta facility has shipped more than 70 million identity documents since it was established in 2009.